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Domů PodporaStipendia, rezidence

Rezidence v americkém Eyebeam a holandském Baltan Lab

New York, USA Rezidenční pobyt postavený na spolupráci dvou organizací, v obou bude probíhat rezidenční pobyt, a to Baltan Laboratories z Eindhovenu a new yorského centra pro umění a technologie Eyebeam. Kulturní ekonomie jsou tématem rezidenčního pobytu. Rezidence probíhá od září 2012 do února 2013. Uzávěrka pro podávání přihlášek 22. června 2012. 

For artists, shared residencies offer a context that’s more than simply time and space to work. By residing at each partner organization, time and space is multiplied across locations and each location brings its own culture to the work. In this case, the collaborative potential between Baltan Laboratories in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York City is exponentially increased — both organizations are deeply committed to supporting the process of artistic creation from early stages through to the end project. This collaborative residency is organized around the theme of “Cultural Economies” with the goal of instigating new work that critically examines the ability of artists and artistic production to maintain large cultural relevance in an age of increasingly limited resources.
The timeline for this collaborative residency is as follows:
Sept. 17 – Nov. 18, in residence at Eyebeam (housing not provided);
Nov. 19 – Dec. 21, in residence at Baltan Laboratories, in collaboration with the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (NL) (housing provided);
Dec. 14 – 15, presentation of working prototype at an international symposium around collecting and presenting digitally born art in the museum, a collaboration between Baltan Laboratories and the Van Abbemuseum;
Dec. 22 – Feb. 18, 2013, in residence at Eyebeam with presentation of final work in exhibition.
The selected artist(s) will receive paid transportation, a production budget, and a modest fee. Please note, this is a different program than a standard Eyebeam residency so stipend and budget differs.
For this residency focus area, the following must be agreeable to the selected artist:
- The artist must be willing to openly and thoroughly document the artistic process.
- The work should be created using open source software;
- The artist should have experience working in collaborative settings with people from different disciplines.
Please note: only artists and technologists who can commit to the working timeline should apply. Also, please include in the application (under the ”Additional Info. section”) the motivation for why you would like to work in the context of this particular residency.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applications are only accepted via our online application system. Applications received after the deadline of noon, 12:00 (EST) PM (noon), June 22, 2012, will not be accepted. All applications and work samples must be submitted through the online form. No exceptions will be made. You can create a user/password during the application process and log back into the server to update your application before the final deadline.
Complete applications must include the following information:
- Contact Information
- Resume or CV (.rtf, .pdf, .doc)
- Work samples in the form of URLs. Include a project description with your work sample that explains your contribution to the piece, how it is meant to be viewed and how it relates to your proposed project(s)/research.
- Concise responses to all application questions. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
International Residents are responsible for securing their own visas for the Residency period. 
NOTE: International applicants are encouraged to take into consideration the time required for meeting travel and visa requirements and may want to consider applying to the cycle prior to their intended start date.
Eyebeam is the leading not-for-profit art and technology center in the USA. Our unique collaborative environment fosters fellowships and residencies through research, education, public programming and a vital web space, We are located in the heart of NYC’s Chelsea art district in a resource rich 15,000 sq.ft. space. Please see the Residents and Projects sections of our web site for information on current and previous work developed at Eyebeam.
Baltan Laboratories initiates, mediates and shares innovative research and development at the intersection of art, design and technological culture. Baltan sees the laboratory as a way of working. It is both a network and a methodology for creating and sharing new concepts, tools and knowledge. Baltan is a flexible, collaborative platform for future thinking that places art and design research at the core of its activities.
(12.06.2012) ZDROJ: Baltan Laboratories
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