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Rezidenční pobyty na zámku Balmoral

Zámek Balmoral, Bad Ems, Německo Mezinárodního rezidenčního programu na zámku Balmoral se mohou zúčastnit umělci a umělkyně z celého světa, jakéhokoli věku, kteří působí v následujících disciplinách; malba, socha, instalace, kresba, tisk, design, fotografie, video, nová média a landart. Podmínkou k účasti je dokončený magisterský kurz studia umění a minimálně dvou až tříleté umělecké působení. Rezidenční pobyt je otevřen  také pro autodidakty, kteří za sebou mají výraznou uměleckou činnost. Délka rezidenčního pobytu je šest měsíců. V letošním roce bude uděleno také jedno kurátorské stipendium, přednostně absolventu/absolventce magisterského či PhD. studia dějin umění s podmínkou výborné znalosti němčiny a odpovídající znalosti angličtiny.  Vzhledem k tomu, že součástí pobytu je posilování dialogu a mezioborové spolupráce v oblasti umění, je podmínkou také znalost němčiny, angličtiny či francouzštiny. Uzávěrka pro předložení žádostí je 13. července 2012.
Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral
Balmoral Scholarships and the Foreign and Exchange Scholarships
Call for applications

The conditions for all scholarships with the exception of the curator scholarship are a completed course of study in art (M.F.A. or comparable degree) and two or three years (depending on the respective scholarship) of continuous
artistic work after the conclusion of the studies. Applications are also possible for autodidacts distinguished by special artistic achievements, as documented by exhibitions and prizes.

To foster artistic dialog and interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge of German, English or French is expected.

The curator scholarship is awarded to persons who are not older than 35 years or whose university degree (at least M.A., preferably Ph.D.) was completed not more than 5 years ago.

For the curator scholarship, mastery of the German language spoken and in writing as well as good knowledge of English or French is essential.

I. International residence scholarships

Six residence scholarships will be awarded to international visual artists.

Each scholarship lasts six months. They ordinarily begin in April 2013 and are endowed with 1,200 EUR per month. They include free accommodation at the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

II. Project scholarship

The project scholarship, which is not tied to any site, will be awarded to an international visual artist. The project scholarship lasts for 6 months and begins in April 2013. It is endowed with 1,200 EUR per month.

Eligible are international applicants with permanent residence in the Federal Republic of Germany. The artistic project should be realized within the scholarship period of 6 months so that it can
possibly be integrated in the annual exhibition of the scholarship holders.

III. International curator scholarship

To foster dialog between research and art, Balmoral awards a residence scholarship to a young scholar in the humanities (preferably art history) for a curatorial project to be developed by the scholarship holder and the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

The scholarship lasts 6 months and begins in April 2013. It is endowed with 1,200 EUR per month and includes free accommodation at the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral.

IV. Foreign and exchange scholarships exclusively for artists with relation to Rhineland-Palatinate

Relation to Rhineland-Palatinate means is born in, has studied in, has lived or lives in Rhineland-Palatinate.

• One six-month scholarship for New York (Flux Factory)
• One three-month scholarship for South Korea
• One six-month scholarship for the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (July to December)
• One five-month scholarship for Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Brandenburg/Germany

The foreign and exchange scholarships are endowed with 1,200 EUR per month.

Awarding of scholarships

A jury of specialists will award all scholarships, taking into consideration the developmental potential of the applicant´s artistic or theoretical work. The names of the jurors will be published after the selection.
Deadline: 13/07/12 - postmark
Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral
Dr. Daniele Perrier
Villenpromenade 11
D-56130 Bad Ems
(14.05.2012) ZDROJ:

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