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Univerzita Braunsweig: Stipendia ve zvukovém a výtvarném umění

Braunsweig, Německo Univerzita v Braunsweigu a Dolní Sasko vyhlašují stipendijní program v oblasti zvukového a výtvarného umění. Ve zvukovém umění budou udělena celkem 3 stipendia v hodnotě 1250 Euro měsíčně na maximálně šest měsíců. Ve výtvarném umění bude uděleno 5 stipendií v hodnotě 1250 Euro na maximálně dvanáct měsíců. Stipendisté musí v obou případech trávit část stipendijního pobytu v rezidenci v Braunsweigu. Uzávěrka pro předložení přihlášek je 6. června 2012.

Braunschweig University of Art and The Federal State of Lower Saxony

Scholarships in Sound and Fine Arts
Call for applications

The Braunschweig University of Art is an internationally orientated art university with the right to grant doctorates and the right of habilitation. With 1200 students in Fine Arts, Design as well as  Aesthetics & Art History and Media Studies, the Braunschweig University of Art is one of the largest art academies in Europe. Excellently equipped studios and laboratories provide the ideal working conditions for all intellectual, creative and artistic processes.

The Federal State of Lower Saxony and the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig invite applications for scholarships to be awarded for 2012/2013:

a) 3 scholarships in Sound Art
b) 5 scholarships in Fine Arts

The scholarships are intended for artists desiring to develop and implement artistic projects in direct contact with a university of art. One of the essential features of the HBK’s efforts to promote young talents is to embed its scholars in the school’s teaching and research activities.

a) 3 scholarships in Sound Art

Eligible students will be granted a scholarship of 1,250 euros per month for a maximum period of six months, including at least three months of compulsory residence at the HBK Braunschweig. In addition, a project-related allowance of up to 3,000 Euros will be granted to cover material and travel expenses. The scholarship term is planned to start on May 1, 2013.

b) 5 scholarships in Fine Arts
Eligible students will be granted a scholarship of 1,250 euros per month for a period of twelve months, including at least eight months of compulsory residence at the HBK Braunschweig. In addition, a project-related allowance of up to 8,000 Euros will be granted to cover material and travel expenses. The scholarship term is planned to start on November 1, 2012.

General Information

1. For the period of the student’s residence at the HBK Braunschweig a rent-free live-in studio will be available. Any incidental costs will have to be borne by the student.

2. The suggested project must embody a material contribution to the ongoing development of the means of artistic expression.

3. Participation in a mentoring program and a scholarship-related colloquium constitute an integral element of the promotion.

4. Upon completion of the scholarship term the student will have to present his/her artistic project in an exhibition or performance or any other equivalent way.

5. As a rule, applicants should not be more than 40 years old and should have a university degree in arts.

6. No grant will be paid if, during the scholarship term, the student should receive any regular benefits from any third party (e.g. residency or work scholarships) or if he/she is otherwise funded by the Federal State.


Applications must be made on the appropriate application form and filed by June 6, 2012 (date of receipt by mail). The application must be for one of the scholarships specified above (no double applications are admissible, nor filing by e-mail) and should be addressed to the postal address below (Kennwort: Braunschweig PROJECTS 2012 – Sound Art – or(!) – Fine Arts).

Applications must include the following documents:

    Application form with personal data, cv, artistic development and scholarships received in the past
    Examples of applicant’s artistic work:
    Portfolio (no larger than DIN A4) and/or up to three solo catalogues (no group catalogues);
    Sound and video work: no more than 2 DVDs /CDs. No originals!
    Description of the artistic project (nor more than 2 DIN A4 pages)

By recommendation of a high-ranking jury, with a representative of the State Ministry for Science and Culture on the panel, the Federal State of Lower Saxony will decide on the scholarship award. About the results of the jury we will inform you via email by the end of June. Please refrain from any questions in advance.

You are kindly requested to include a self-addressed and pre-paid envelope, otherwise we cannot return your documents.

Deadline: 06/06/12
Präsident der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1
D-38118 Braunschweig

(18.05.2012) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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